Hathi elephant coloring page

-> A large elephant stands in a jungle, with trunk and tusks, surrounded by trees and plants.
This majestic elephant stands tall and proud in the middle of a lush and vibrant jungle. His long trunk and tusks fan out from his giant frame, and his rough skin is marked with distinct wrinkles. He is surrounded by lush green trees that reach up to the sky, as well as lush plants that dot the ground around him. In terms of colouring, the majestic elephant should be given shades of grey along the wrinkled skin, with a hint of lighter tones towards the trunk and tusks. The surrounding trees, plants and foliage should all be provided with a range of greens, with some pink or orange accents for the flowers - all contributing to the vibrancy of the setting. A light background of blues and yellows helps to create an atmosphere of sunshine and joy.