Balu and Bagira coloring page

Two tigers, Balu & Bagira, eyes closed, in coloring page.
This beautiful coloring page features two tigers, Balu and Bagira. Balu is lying down, and Bagira is in a standing position beside him. Both tigers have their eyes shut and look very peaceful. To bring this scene to life, consider using warm browns and reds to color in the fur of their coats. For their eyes, use subtle blues and exude serenity in the faces of these majestic animals. To contrast the tigers, use lush greens to color the surrounding environment, and a deep blue for the sky in order to encapsulate the natural beauty of the scene. Furthermore, consider using light pink to add a sense of warmth into the image. With this simple but effective color scheme, you'll bring the image to life and make it truly stand out.