Live pointer coloring page

Clownfish with orange and white stripes seen in anemone; white belly and a blue & white striped fish in background.
This whimsical coloring page depicts a clownfish swimming amongst a vibrant anemone. The clownfish has a distinct orange and white striped pattern, with a white bellies and big round eyes. In the distance there is a second fish, with unique blue and white stripes. This page is framed by a bright blue and white background in the distance. To color this page, use a combination of bold oranges and whites to bring the tiny clownfish to life. To give the anemone character, try a gentle gradient between pink and purple, bringing both colors together in the center to mimic its flowerlike appearance. Light blues can be used to colour the background and the other fish, while adding a touch of white to brighten it up. Don't forget to use a hint of bright yellow to give a sparkle to the anemone. Finally, add a few dark grayish-blues for shadows around the clownfish and the anemone's tentacles. Enjoy!