Water filter coloring page

Blue water filter pours water into cup, yellow fish on front. #waterfilter #fish #blue
This bright and colorful image presents a blue water filter with blue water pouring out of it into a awaiting white cup. The canister of the filter is adorned with a cheerful yellow fish along the front of it, as though it's almost symbolic of the filter's intended use. To bring out the lively hues, I recommend starting off with a light aqua blue wash over the filter and cup, and shade with a darker shade of blue. This will bring out the blue already available in the image, and make the individual pieces stand out more. Afterwards, use bright yellows and whites to color in the details of the fish and the cup for a vibrant image. Finally, finishing off with white accents of the foam from the pouring water, and the shining details around the filter, will help complete the overall picture.