Snow white in the bedroom coloring page

Snow White kneels in a bedroom with seven small beds, looking out a window at a forest. She is expressionless.
Snow White is sitting peacefully in the bedroom of the seven dwarfs, looking out the window at the forest beyond. The room is filled with seven small beds, each one with a soft pillow and fluffy blanket. Her delicate hands are folded in her lap, her face blank and expressionless. To color the scene, choose a pale hue for Snow White's skin and dress, while the walls of the room can be a warm shade of yellow. The seven beds can be painted in cool tones of blue and green, while the blankets and pillows can be a bright white. The forest outside the window can be lush and green, full of colorful birds, animals, and trees. Use bright and vibrant shades for the trees and animals, and golden tones for the sunlight streaming through the window.