Snow white found a house coloring page

Snow White finds a house with 7 beds and decides to take a nap there.
Snow White was so happy when she stumbled upon a cozy house with seven small beds. Each bed was invitingly neat, with a soft pillow and a colorful blanket draped over it. She knew that this was the perfect place to rest, so she quickly tucked herself into a bed and curled up with a blanket. Her tired eyes fluttered shut and the world around her gradually became peaceful. To color this image, I would suggest using soft and muted hues. A muted pink or lavender for the walls and a muted green for the undergrowth outside would create a peaceful and happy atmosphere. The small beds should be painted in bright and cheery colors, like yellow, blue, and pink. To capture the cozy feeling, I'd add dashes of warm reds and oranges in stripes and swirls throughout the room. Finally, a light dusting of white along the edges of the house would create the perfect feeling of a winter wonderland.