Dragon Mushu and cricket coloring page

Dragon faces cricket: large green dragon with red spikes, snake-like body, and long tail vs small brown cricket on hind legs with arms in air.
This vivid coloring page features a large, green dragon with red spikes running in two lines down its back. Its long, snake-like body stretches out, ending in a pointed tail. The dragon looks out protectively at the small, brown cricket. The cricket stands on its hind legs, arms raised high in the air in a triumphant gesture. To bring this page to life, we might color the dragon a deep, emerald green and shade its scales with brown and grey. The red spikes might be a deep, fiery red, and we can use yellow and orange to show off the cricket’s vibrant spirit. A sun setting in the background could be painted in a range of warm colors, ending the day with a beautiful rainbow.