Soldiers Ling, Chien-Po, and Yao are friends of Mulan coloring page

Mulan & 3 companions in Chinese military attire, determined to win the battle, stand ready.
Mulan stands at the heart of the frame, surrounded by her valiant comrades Ling, Chien-Po, and Yao. Each of the four brave warriors are equipped with shining armors and ancient swords, prepared to face any danger that may come their way. They are a single unit, determined to overcome any obstacles that come their way with strength and courage. To highlight the armor, I suggest using a silvery silver to color the metallic parts and a deep olive green to shade the canvas below. Mingling them together will give the armor a sharp and polished look. For the light pink sari and broadsword of Mulan, use a dusty pink that will add a warm feeling to her appearance. To add texture, use a darker pink to shade the edges. Yao and Chien-Po can be colored in shades of yellow and green respectively, whereas Ling can be given a bold and fierce look with shades of blue.