Mulan coloring page

Mulan, a Chinese folk heroine, disguises as a man to fight in her father's stead. She stands in her battle armor, ready for the fight.
Mulan stands in her bold and fierce stature, ready for battle. Her vibrant red and yellow armor glistens and sparkles with the bright sunlight above her. The intricate, golden filigree of her armor reveals a warrior with strength and courage. Her blue and white cape is waving in the wind, accentuating her confident strength. Her hair is pulled back and tied in a brown ribbon, showing her commitment and loyalty to her country. For her face, I suggest a light peach or pastel color to show her determination and compassion. The background behind her should contain a high contrast between lighter and darker shades of green to represent the fields and forests of the Chinese countryside. Lastly, I would use a few shades of light blue around the edges to create a border that pays homage to Mulan’s bravery and loyalty.