Mulan and Mushu coloring page

Mulan and Mushu stand confidently together; she looks serious, while he's proud & happy. Both have crossed arms.
Mulan and Mushu stand united, representing a bond of friendship and respect. Mulan stands tall, her determined and focused gaze not wavering. Mushu stands beside her, proud and proudly smiling with his arms crossed in front of him. To color this picture, dress Mulan in shades of red and pink, symbolizing strength and power. Accentiate her strong facial features by adding black and gray to her eyes, nose and lips. For Mushu, opt for vibrant colors to match his positive and happy demeanor. Create a sense of depth and dimension by using a range of colors like blue, purple, and green. Use shadows to give more weight to their stances, and to add a pop of color and dimension to the background.