Enot Miko coloring page

Pocahontas stands in a room wearing a fringed dress, beaded necklace, feathered headband and long black hair, looking at viewer with a serious expression.
This Native American woman, Pocahontas, stands alone in a room, gazing intently at the viewer. She wears a beaded necklace and a dress with fringed edges, her long black hair cascading free down her back. Her head is crowned with a headband, decorated with feathers to signify her stature. To color this picture, use a blend of earthy tones to capture the natural beauty of the environment. Shade her dress in a deep sage green, and highlight with streaks of copper and brown. For her hair, select a combination of raven black and midnight blue to emphasize her regal presence. Give her face a warm glow of bronze and tawny beige, while using a hint of pearl to capture her intense gaze. Finally, use a subtle shade of gray to highlight the feathers in her headband.