Raccoon cookies coloring page

Two Pocahontas Raccoon cookies on white plate; brown with black eyes, nose, mouth, and tail. #Cookies
This coloring page features two adorable Pocahontas-themed raccoon cookies. On a white plate, they have warm brown double rounds with two black eyes, a black nose, and a black mouth. To make them look even more like raccoons, a brown tail extends from each sweet treat. To best capture the cozy atmosphere, I would suggest using a light, earthy tan for the cookies and a darker, richer brown for the eyes and tails. For the plate, a pale, creamy yellow would provide good contrast for the cookies and make everything bright and inviting. Lastly, to really bring out the details, I'd add a thin line of black around the eyes and mouth. That would give the cookies a bit more character and emphasize the sweet theme.