Princess Pocahontas coloring page

Princess Pocahontas poses gracefully in a green field, wearing a brown dress, her hair cascading & holding a staff with a feather pendant. She looks off into the distance.
Princess Pocahontas stands in a lively green meadow full of waving grass. Her dress is a rich brown with a fringe at the hem. Her glossy brown hair trails down her back, her necklace shining with a large feather pendant. In her left hand she holds her staff in a confident grip, her eyes looking out intently into the distance. To color this image, you could use shades of green to capture the movement of the grass, while keeping the dress and staff a bold brown. Her hair can be given dimension with a range of chocolate-toned browns, with the feather pendant a bright white. Bring the image to life with a pale blue sky dotted with a few fluffy white clouds. Finally, for a touch of drama, you could paint the horizon with an orange-pink sunset.