Hummingbirds coloring page

Two blue hummingbirds with green accents, curved beaks and black eyes fly side-by-side on this coloring page.
This beautiful coloring page features two beautiful hummingbirds in flight! The birds are a deep blue color with emerald green accents on the back and wings. The hummingbirds have long beaks that are gently curved at the tips, and vibrant black eyes that seem to twinkle in the light. To bring the scene to life, try adding some subtle tones to the background - a pastel sky blue combined with a paler green to mimic lush foliage. For the hummingbirds, contrast the sky blues with brighter shades to bring out their features. A yellow-orange or pinkish hue on the wings and tail feathers would create a stunning look. As an added touch, you can color in the beaks with a darker shade of blue, and outline them with black. This coloring page is sure to make a beautiful picture when completed, a perfect gift for any Pocahontas fan!