John Smith and Princess Pocahontas coloring page

Man and woman standing next to a tree, she in a light-colored dress, him in brown. Sky is blue w/white clouds. #coloringpage
This vibrant coloring page features a handsome man wearing all brown clothing and with long, wavy brown hair, standing beside a young woman with dark skin. The woman is wearing a light-colored, flowing dress with fringe bordering the skirt. In the background we can see a grand tree casting a shadow onto the bright blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds. To make the most of the dynamic elements in this coloring page, simply envision how the shadows of the tree and man might be enhanced with a light earth tone hued brown or beige, or how the clouds might be enlivened with a dollop of soft white. The man's clothing could be made richer with contrasting shades of brown or tan as well. Finally, adding color to the woman's dress and curls might bring this magical scene to life with vibrant splashes of orange, burgundy, or aubergine.