Gummy Bears coloring page

A large gummy bear sits in the center, surrounded by five smaller gummy bears of a different color. All the bears have outstretched arms and legs and the large one has a protruding belly.
This imaginative and playful scene invites you to color a large gummy bear made out of colorful candies in the center of the page. It sits contentedly with its arms and legs outstretched, its round and protruding belly inclined towards you. Surrounding the center gummy bear are five smaller gummy bears, a different color than the large one. Standing on their hind legs, their arms outstretched in anticipation, these five small characters bring a sense of joy and adventure to the image. For a rainbow-hued result, try coloring each gummy bear a different color. You could go with traditional rainbow colors, or mix it up with your own creative combination. Feel free to experiment with highlights and shadows throughout the composition, and add fun detail touches of your own. Enjoy and have fun with it!