Goblin and Gummy Bears coloring page

Gummi Bears and Goblin Bears are two types of candies, shaped like bears. Gummi Bears are chewy and gummy while Goblin Bears are hard and crunchy. Gummi Bears are brown and Goblin Bears are green.
This coloring page features two characters - a Gummi Bear and a Goblin. The Gummi Bear is a soft and chewy candy, and the Goblin is a crunchy, hard candy. Both are shaped like bears, but the Gummi Bear is brown, while the Goblin is green. To best color this page, you may want to use bright candy colors like vivid red, blue, yellow and green. For the Gummi Bear, give it a layer of dark brown, followed by a lighter brown, and lightly blend the edges. For the Goblin, you can go brighter with the green and give it a pop of yellow or white around its eyes and mouth. You can also add details like stars or stripes to the picture. Add touches of white onto the fur of both characters for a more realistic lighting look. Have fun with it and have a sweet time coloring!