Chip and dale coloring page

Two chipmunks peek out with paws up & big eyes, wearing red hats with white dots.
The two adorable chipmunks are surrounded by patches of lush green grass, with the tree stump behind them adding a sense of cozy comfort. The one chipmunk has its paw waving hello, while the other is peering out with big brown eyes and a curious look, making them seem even more endearing. To make them stand even more out, each chipmunk wears a bright red hat speckled with white dots. To bring out the colors in the setting, you could color the grass in shades of greens and browns, and make the tree stump a soft grey. For the chipmunks themselves, browns, oranges, and reds make great colors. The hats can be filled with bright colors like red, pink, yellow and white. Have fun and make this coloring page beautiful!