Jimm tightens the knot coloring page

Jimm is on the Treasure Planet, securing a golden chest with a map of the universe inside.
Jimm is intently focused on a task of great importance: the knot-tying of the Treasure Planet. Balanced precariously at the edge of the planet, Jimm is calm and strong, resolute in his mission. His hands grasp the golden chest, so eagerly possessed, for inside is the secret map of the universe, detailing the location of the Treasure Planet. This can be a colorful scene to explore as Jimm is a vibrant, strength-filled figure surrounded by a galaxy of glimmering hues. Add a majestic, star-lit sky behind him and gradient shadows to suggest the glimmering light from the chest. To pull the eyes to Jimm, add a border of firey reds, oranges, and yellows, fading into cool blues, greens, and purples in the sky, to create a color-filled and dramatic backdrop for our treasure hunter.