Bengan coloring page

A blue planet with a sun & stars, two moons, conts & animals.
This coloring page is an amazing scene of a whole planet and its environment. The center of the page is a large, blue planet. Above the planet is a golden sun, with twinkling stars peeking out from the edges. The two small, green moons orbiting the planet are the perfect addition for a dramatic and magical effect. Different continents and regions are visible on the planet, and many different kinds of creatures and plants can be seen living in their respective areas. To color this image, I would use a light blue to start with and then use a combination of different greens, browns, and yellows to shade and define the different continents and regions. I'd use light yellows and oranges to highlight the twinkling stars and the golden sun. The two green moons should be colored a bright or dark green, depending on your preference. Lastly, I would use light pink or purple hues to enhance the different animals and plants living on the planet.