I don't have half of the memory coloring page

In treasure planet, a huge golden treasure chest with a green gem in the center is overflowing with gold coins, 3 golden goblets, and a golden necklace.
This scene of the Treasure Planet invites us to imagine a world of riches and beauty. The golden treasure chest is the centrepiece of this masterpiece, glistening in the light with a captivating green gem nestled in its centre. There are sinuous golden coins spilling out of the chest, as if ready to reward explorers who find it. Around this stunning scene, three golden goblets glint in the light, and a golden necklace sparkles against the background, just waiting to be claimed. To bring this magical image to life, I'd suggest using vivid, warm colors in shades of gold and green to create a glow of prosperity, and to further accentuate the main chest and gem, a darker green could be used for contrast. Finally, any adjacent jewels, coins or goblets could be given a bright, reflective finish to complete the picture.