On the board to the gate coloring page

The board holds a giant, golden treasure. It's filled with symbols like a sun, moon, star and more, plus numbers. #treasurehunt
This vibrant and exciting coloring page features a giant, golden treasure in the center of the board! Surrounding the treasure are diverse symbols and numbers that all reflect an adventurous journey. To bring the page to life, start by flooding the background with a deep blue or ocean green. Next, create a brilliant contrast by using a range of vibrant golds and oranges to outline and shade the treasure. If you are feeling creative, try using multiple different shades to achieve a mesmerizing 3D effect! Finally, give each symbol on the board a unique color. For example, the sun could be a sunny yellow with a bright orange outline, and the anchor could be a muted navy blue with a white outline. Ultimately, you are sure to have a truly unique coloring page everyone can admire.