Recovering memory coloring page

A planet with a crack, spaceship flying towards it, sun and stars on side. Light from within crack! #Space
The vibrant colors of this coloring page draw the eye, creating a dazzling and alluring landscape. In the center of the page lies a mysterious and intriguing planet, with a bold white light shining from the crack on its surface. The bright yellow of the sun to the left, and the twinkling stars to the right provide a colorful backdrop for the scene. A small spaceship appears to be on a daring journey towards the planet and its mysterious light. To color this page, I suggest using a cool blue for the planet, and a warm yellow for the sun, providing contrast. Mixing and blending yellow, white, and bright blues together would create an interesting starfield, while cooler metalic tones can be used on the spaceship. Overall, the colors create a wondrous, spacey scene full of beauty and adventure.