Dr. Livesey coloring page

Planet with sun & treasure chest, spilling coins. Right, a big white ship sailing through space. #ColoringPage
On the coloring page, a beautiful planet is surrounded by a lush, vibrant landscape of blues, greens, and whites. In the center of the page is the planet, glowing under the bright, shimmering sun. To the left of the planet is an open treasure chest filled with coins and a large, rare red jewel. To the right of the planet is a massive white space ship soaring through the stars. To color this image, one could use warm, bold colors throughout the planet, such as oranges and reds, or opt for a softer palette of pastels. The sun could be given some gold tones, while the sparkly coins can be shaded in cool, light blues and purples. The treasure chest can be filled with yellows and golds, and the white space ship can be shaded in shimmery silver or grays. Lastly, the red jewel could be highlighted with vibrant reds and pinks to contrast against the cool colors of the space. With this combination of cool and warm tones, the design will appear full of life and energy.