End of the tavern coloring page

Tavern of Treasure Planet offers dreariness, fire, windows, dirt floor, and a back room. Rats scurry around as adventurers enter.
This coloring page shows a dark and spooky tavern at the end of The Treasure Planet. The large fireplace in the center of the room provides dim light and a faint source of warmth. The walls are high and adorned with windows near the ceiling. Upon the floor there are a few stray rats, looking for a warm nook. There is a small door at the back of the room, leading to another chamber. To bring the details of this ominous scene to life, colors such as black, grey, and orange can be used. Dark shades can be applied to the walls and door, while a light orange and yellow can be used for the fire. The rats can be given a brownish-gray color and the dirt of the floor can be shaded a light grey. To give the scene a more spooky ambience, a blue-ish tint may be added to the shadows of the room, providing a chill atmosphere.