Manny and the possum coloring page

Manny, a mammoth wearing a blue scarf, is walking through snow with a possum on his back. It has a white belly, black back and long tail.
Manny the mammoth is taking a winter stroll through the snow. He's a tall creature with a long trumpet-like trunk and fabulously large tusks. A friendly possum has hitched a ride and is holding on tightly to Manny's furry back. It has a soft white underside, but its back is black and glossy. Its tail curves long and bushy, fluttering in the chill air. To bring Manny and his companion to life, you could start with Manny's scarf. The deep blue will give this creature a cozy and vibrant look. You could go for a subtle two-tone for the possum, filling its back with a soft shade of gray and leaving its belly a pure, inviting white. Don't forget a rich brown for the trunk and tusks and a few shades of gray to represent the tranquil landscape of winter.