Mammoth Ellie coloring page

Mammoth lies on snow, trunk extended, tusks visible. Shaggy fur mostly white with some brown patches. Eyes closed, appears dead.
This majestic mammoth is lying peacefully in the snow, her trunk extended and white tusks just visible beneath her long shaggy fur that is mostly snow white but with warm patches of brown. Her eyes are closed as if she is spent from her long journey across the wilderness and her peaceful slumber is beckoning her towards the afterlife. To bring this image to life, I would use muted colors to create a feeling of somberness and suggest the looming winter season. White for the snow, gray for the mammoth's fur, with taupe and beige for the patches of brown. I would keep the background very light in muted blues and greens to contrast the warmth of the mammoth and create a beautiful, peaceful scene.