Brotherly and sister coloring page

Brother and sister share a peaceful moment in a beautiful Ice Age landscape, surrounded by a pink and orange sky.
A brother and sister peer out over their ice-covered landscape, the sun's last light traversing the horizon. Cozy in their heavy winter coats, the warmth of their friendship is the only comfort in this hard, frozen tundra. The trees, illuminated with soft shades of pink and orange, stand strong and silent in the snow, leaving an air of peacefulness in their wake. All around, the warmth from within and the beauty of the ice-age combine to create the perfect moment of intimacy. To capture this image, we could use tones of blues, pinks, and oranges along with stark whites and cool grays to create depth and brightness to the environment. Trees and snow could be colored white with small hints of shimmering metallic blues and purples to reflect the fading light in the sky. The brother and sister, meanwhile, could be given a more muted palette of warm browns and olives to add a sense of warmth and coziness to the scene.