Squirrels and Bear coloring page

Squirrel holds a nut while a bear stands on hind legs, tongue out, in front.
In the coloring page, a curious squirrel sits on a tree branch, curiously eyeing a large bear below. The squirrel is gripping onto a nut tightly, as if it's afraid that the bear might snatch it up if it's not careful. The bear, with its tongue lolling out of its open mouth, looks almost as if it's asking the squirrel for the nut. To color this scene, it'd be nice to pick warm colors for the squirrel and the tree branch, such as browns and oranges. Adding some yellow to these will create a realistic and vivid look. For the bear, darker colors, such as blues and greens could work to create a fun contrast with the lighter colors used for the squirrel and the tree. Finally, adding a purple or a lighter blue to the tongue of the bear will make it look more realistic and funny.