Pizza, ice cream, chips ... coloring page

Kids can color a pizza, ice cream, chips, and a drink!
This coloring page is a fun representation of an all-time classic combination of snacks. The pizza is topped with pepperoni and cheese, the perfect combination for the ultimate pizza lover. A tall ice cream cone with multi-colored sprinkles is included on the page, as well as a couple of potato chips, and a fizzy drink. It makes for a great snack to enjoy with friends, and it's sure to bring a smile to anyone's face! To color this page, start by adding a bright and vibrant background. Think of shades of pink, yellow, or purple. For the pizza, use a combination of red, orange, and yellow to illustrate the delicious toppings. A pale blue makes a great base color when used to illustrate the ice cream, while a few yellow or pink dots work well as sprinkles. The chips and drink can be filled in with any color of your choice; from bright blues and greens to subtle pastels. Finally, a few squiggly black lines can be used to indicate the pepperoni on the pizza for an extra bit of detail. Enjoy!