Inside Outside!.. coloring page

Big blue door with lion head knocker reveals sunny day, red brick path, white gate in picket fence, blue sky with white clouds.
This coloring page features a large, blue door with a dramatic Brass knocker, designed to look like a lion's head. The door is slightly ajar, hinting at the bright, sunny day outside. A red brick path leads away from the door, right up to the white picket gate. The sky above is a beautiful blue hue, dotted with puffy white clouds. To give this image dimension and life, try shading the lion's head with darker dabs of blue and darker tones of red along the path. To accentuate the sky, using different shades of blue and white will create the look of clouds. Additionally, bright yellow and red can be used to color the sky bordering the clouds. For the door, try using a metallic, silver paint to imitate the look of Brass.