Winnie stuck coloring page

Winnie the Pooh is stuck in a beehive with a pot of honey and a bee hovering around him.
This delightful coloring page shows an adventurous Winnie the Pooh stuck in the middle of a bee hive! He seems to have stumbled in his attempt to get a pot of delicious honey, and now a bee is buzzing around his head. The vibrant colors of the bee hive and Winnie the Pooh contrast beautifully to illustrate the setting and mood of the image. To color this page, we suggest experimenting with different bright shades to give the bee hive a whimsical feel. Try combining vibrant pinks, oranges, yellows and blues to outline the pattern of the hive. For Winnie the Pooh, use a combination of warm yellow and golden shades to recreate his iconic fur. Finally, add pinks and light blues to the bee and contrastingly dark blues and browns to the pot of honey.