Painting coloring page

A tree with a hollowed out trunk holds a tiny yellow bear and a red bird in a tranquil, dreamy landscape.
This beautiful painting tells the story of a sleepy little yellow bear snuggled safely in the hollow of a large tree trunk. The bear's round, full belly is resting on one of its paws as he slumbers. A small red bird sits on the branch above the bear, its wings outstretched, watching protectively over its slumbering companion. The backdrop of the painting is a calming palette of blues and greens, finished off with soft, fluffy clouds floating by in the sky. For a vibrant contrast to the calming backdrop, I would colour the bear a warm yellow and the bird a bright red. The tree and its leaves could be drawn in a deep, earthy green and the clouds could be a light blue, giving the painting a unified and serene feel.