Turtle car coloring page

Cool hotrod styled car: Turtle car has green/yellow paint job, yellow spoiler &
This Turtle car is an edgy, off-road hotrod with an eye-catching green and yellow paint job. The sides of the car feature bold yellow stripes, a bright yellow spoiler, and the words "Turtle Power" written across the doors. The car is sitting on a dirt track, perched precariously on four super-sized, off-road style tires. To bring out the texture of the dirt track, use a dark brown color that takes advantage of contrasting light and dark shades. The green paint job of the Turtle car should have both lighter and darker shades of this hue to bring emphasis to the edges. The bright yellow stripes should be painted with a bold, shiny tone to stand out against the car's dark, bold green. Finally, the Turtle Power slogan should be painted with a warm yellow tone. Together, these colors will bring this hotrod to life, giving this Turtle car the look and feel of a tough and rugged off-road vehicle.