Dog rescue coloring page

Polar bear stands on hind legs, looking down at dog who stands on all fours, paws on bear's shoulders. Both look intently at each other.
The polar bear stands tall, its muzzle pointed towards the dog in front of it. The bear's claws are pressed gently against the dog's shoulders, while the dog has its four paws planted firmly in the snow. Eyes locked, the two animals stare at each other in a moment of mutual understanding. The gleaming white of the bear's fur contrasts vibrantly against the dark grey of the dog's coat. When coloring this page, the polar bear could be painted a crisp, icy white, while the dog could be bathed in a deep, inky black. For the backgrounds, a soft turquoise blue for the sky with some fluffy white clouds adds a bright touch. Finally, some fuchsia and magenta hues in the snow will bring peace and beauty to the scene.