Tiger cub and teddy bear coloring page

Two cubs, a polar bear and tiger, cuddle a teddy bear with a green ribbon around its neck.
In this adorable coloring page, two baby animals, a polar bear cub and a tiger cub, are stood facing each other, mouths open and holding a shared teddy bear. The teddy bear has a bright green ribbon tied around its middle, adding a splash of color to the scene. To add to this charming picture, the surrounding background is a stunning array of blues and greens that provide an eye-catching backdrop. To give the image life, you could use different shades of white, yellow, and dark brown to add texture and dimension to the polar bear and tiger cub. The teddy bear could be given some more character with the use of pinks, oranges, and purples. Finally, you could use light greens and pinks to bring out the details in the ribbon. With a few splashes of color, this page will truly come alive.