Friends on the shore coloring page

Little polar bear sits on edge of ice, watching 2 birds on shore. One standing on one leg, pointing out to the water; the other with wings outstretched.
The little polar bear is perched on the edge of a large ice sheet, with a gentle breeze ruffling its white fur. Its small, inquisitive eyes take in the two birds standing close to the shore. The one on the left has its head cocked back and is standing on one leg, its beak slightly open. The other bird is standing on two feet and has its wings outstretched. Both birds seem to be contemplating the water, as if they know something the bear doesn't. To bring the picture to life, I would use a shade of blue-green for the water to make it feel cold and inviting, while the ice is painted in a pale, icy blue. The birds could have vibrant yellow and orange feathers, representing the warmth of summer, while the bear could be painted in traditional white accompanied with some subtle hints of pink and cream. Finally, to create contrast, I would suggest lining the iceberg's edges with a dark blue, to let the white of the bear and birds pop from the background.