Mermaid coloring page

Mermaid in center of coloring page listens to conch shell with curious expression; deep blue ocean + light blue sky, white clouds, and distant ship.
I would color this page using shades of blues, pinks and oranges to create a dreamy and whimsical scene. I would start by coloring the sea and sky in a deep, serene blue. Then I would make the clouds in the sky a lighter color of blue to make them stand out from the sky. On the mermaid, I would use a bright orange for her hair, blues for her eyes and seashell bikini, and pinks for her lips and skirt. I would then use a combination of white and yellow for the conch shell. Finally, I would use yellows and oranges for the large ship and its sails in the distance. This would create a beautiful, vibrant, and magical scene that would come alive with every brush stroke.