The little mermaid on the stone coloring page

A small mermaid sits, a sad expression on her face, red hair flowing and a green tail glistening in the water.
This coloring page features a small mermaid sitting atop a large, gray stone in a body of tranquil blue water. Her long, bright red hair flows down her back, and her deep green mermaid tail covers the rock she sits on. She looks out at the viewer with a pensive, somber expression. To capture the picture's magic, I would start by coloring her hair in a fiery red hue, with lighter shades of the same red used in strands. I would then contrast this with the cool tones of her tail, where I would use a deep blue and teal to bring out its beauty. The stone can be painted a deep gray, and the water a deep, clear blue. To finish, I would add white highlights to her tail, her hair, and the ripples in the water to complete the look.