Neptune coloring page

The Little Mermaid looks at a statue of Neptune with a trident, crown and a shell in front.
The vibrant sea view stretches before the little mermaid. She stands before a majestic Neptune statue, its figure made of hard stone and adorned with a golden crown and trident. The sea breeze ruffles her tail and hair as she stares in awe at the ruler of the sea. At the base of the statue, a small green shell lies on the golden sand, shining in the sun's light. To complement the deep blue sea and golden sand, try painting the statue a pale golden hue and Neptune's crown a regal violet. The vibrant green of the shell will pop against the two colors, creating a gorgeous and soothing image. For the sky, think of a sky full of stars, lit up with twinkles of blues, whites and blacks. All of these hues together will create a magical and stunning color escape.