The little mermaid on the stone coloring page

Sad little mermaid sitting in a pool, wearing a purple bikini, green eyes, red hair and looking sadly into the sky. #MermaidLife
This beautiful little mermaid is a picture of solitude and sadness. She sits atop a stone in a pool of glittering blue water, her royal purple bikini top sparkling in the light of day. Her shimmering green eyes are full of loneliness, and her wavy red hair is softly billowing in the breeze. As we look upon her we can't help but feel a twinge of empathy for her. How might we best color this little mermaid? We could use warm and vibrant hues of orange and red to bring out her passionate nature, while her green eyes could be highlighted with a cool shade of blue or green. The bikini could be painted yellow and pink, or lavender and cream. To emphasize her longing gaze, a deep blue sky with gleaming white stars will bring the picture to life. To further the impression of a fairytale-like scene, we can add purple and pink accents to the clouds, water, and stone.