Pirates fail coloring page

A pirate ship is sinking, sails torn, hull leaking--no people on board. #pirateship #sinking #sad
This coloring page features a scene of destruction and loneliness. The large, black 'X' dominates the page and serves as a backdrop to the pirate ship with torn and tattered sails, which appears to be sinking into the abyss. The hull seems to be breached and water is spilling into the ship through the gaping hole, indicating a fatal outcome for the vessel. Though desolate, the page is filled with dramatic potential and opportunity for creative coloring. To bring out the sense of destruction, use deep and hot tones for the 'X' and for the ship, paint cool blues to catch the light and give a feeling of movement as the ship is going down. You can use beiges to really make the pirate ship stand out and create a sense of contrast against the 'X'. Finally, you can add bright colors to the sails to mimic the energy that was once contained therein and to bring some lightness to the scene.