Don Carnage in the Cloud coloring page

A menacing figure in a dark cape, wielding a sword and glowing red eyes grins wickedly.
A muscular, red-skinned man with two horns towering from the top of his head stands boldly within an imposing storm cloud. His black cape billows dramatically in the wind, while a huge sword grips firmly in his right hand. His eyes glow fiercely with an intimidating red hue, while a sinister smirk spreads across his face. To color this detailed and dynamic picture, it would be best to begin with a dark palette. Use dark but vibrant shades to capture the mystery and intensity of the stormy cloud. Try a mixture of deep blues and greys, or shades of purple to create a sense of foreboding. For the man himself, stark contrasts would be the most effective. Use a mid-tone red to create the man’s flesh, and a much lighter shade to highlight the horns. For his cape, opt for black and add highlights of blues and pinks to create depth and movement. To give a dramatic effect to the sword, paint it with a metallic sheen and shade it with a mix of blacks, greys, and silvers. Finally, bring to life the man's fiery eyes with a fiery orange-red.