Patrick and SpongeBob coloring page

Patrick & SpongeBob fishing, Patrick happy & excited, SpongeBob looks scared.
In this coloring page, Patrick and SpongeBob are standing side by side, eager to embark on an adventure. Patrick holds a fishing rod, wearing a navy blue fisherman's hat. A happy grin spreads across his face as he looks ahead at their prospects. Meanwhile, SpongeBob is wearing a yellow fisherman's hat, clutching a net, his face a mix of excitement and trepidation. To color this page, use bright and vibrant hues to accent Patrick's bubbly enthusiasm and SpongeBob's palette of nerves and energy. The sky can be a gentle baby blue, while the sea can be saturated blue-green. The sand and beach bunnies in the background can be sandy yellow and oranges, while Patrick's hat can be navy blue and SpongeBob's yellow to emphasize the distinction between the two. For an additional effect, texture the fish hats with browns, blues, and greens to make it look as if they have been out at sea.