Royal ambassadors coloring page

Two women wearing crowns and long dresses, standing in front of a castle, each holding a scepter.
The two women in this coloring page look like they are standing side-by-side in a regal pose, wearing long, flowing gowns and delicate crowns. The one on the left has pale skin and light-colored hair, and the other has darker skin and dark hair. Both of them are holding scepters and are standing in front of a large, ornate castle. To make the most of this coloring page, I would color in the dresses and the castle in light and deep blues to give the scene an ethereal and royal quality. I would use warm yellows and oranges to shade the crowns and a deep brown for the scepters. The background could be a gradient of pastels for an attractive and calming effect. For the women, I would use a neutral skin tone, possibly with subtle highlights in pink or peach, and I would use deep browns and blues for their hair.