Old dog ... coloring page

A man is petting an old, gray-furred dog with a black nose, sleeping comfortably on the floor.
This coloring page portrays an endearing scene of companionship between a man and an old dog. The dog has gray fur and a black nose and is lying on its side, seemingly asleep as the man leans over to pet it. To bring out the emotion of the drawing, try to make the grey of the dog's fur gentle but solid, and don't be afraid to darken the lines to create depth and texture. The man can be done in different shades of brown, while highlighting his clothes with lighter blues, whites and yellows. Use bright and cheery colors to bring the old dog to life, complimenting its black features with a range of pinks, purples and oranges. This heartfelt image will be sure to leave any coloring book page looking brilliant.