A bit of magic and ... coloring page

Cinderella stands ready for her dreams to come true, dressed in a beautiful dress and glass slippers. Magic and hard work have combined to bring her to this moment.
Cinderella is a bright, captivating figure in this coloring page. She stands in front of a grand, ornate door wearing a sumptuous, glittering outfit. She's beaming with enthusiasm, as if her dreams are finally coming true. The glass slippers she wears convey the notion of whimsical enchantment while her beaming face represents the hard work she put in to realize her ambitions. Bring this breathtaking moment to life by utilizing bright, vivid colors such as blue, pink, and yellow, to highlight the hero's hopeful features. Red, purple and silver would emphasize the lavishness of her attire, and dark brown and black could be used for the deep, polished hues of the entrance. Complete the page with a hint of shimmer and glimmer to showcase the magic Cinderella has encountered.