Cinderella is smart ... coloring page

Brave and positive Cinderella is an independent, kind young woman who looks out for others and isn't afraid to stand up for herself.
Cinderella is absolutely gorgeous and confident in her own skin. Her beautiful blue dress is flowing, and perfectly compliments her dark wavy hair. She is adorned with a pink hair piece which adds to her grace and charm. Cinderella's face is radiant with kindness as she smiles in the night sky. Her sparkling glass slippers create a magical aura that radiates around her. To bring out Cinderella's beauty even more when coloring her, her hair can be done in multiple shades of brown and her dress can be a bright blue. Her glass slippers should shine out, and a bit of a sea foam green can be used in her skirt. By highlighting the contour of her dress and defining her features, her true beauty will be able to shine through.