Cinderella coloring page

-> Cinderella stands with a pumpkin in hand, smiling at a castle in a blue dress. #Cinderella
Cinderella stands on a grassy hill, with the sun in the background and a huge, majestic castle before her. Her deep blue dress is decorated with delicate lace, and an extra hint of sparkle like she is ready for a night of grandeur. In her hands she holds a pumpkin, the symbol of her transformation from farmhand to royal - a reminder of the power of wishes. She looks content and happy, with a gentle smile on her lips. If you're coloring her, use shades of blue, white and yellow to outline her dress. For the pumpkin and castle, magenta, yellow, and tones of brown will bring them alive. Finally, use pastels for her skin and hair, adding highlights and dimension with splashes of white and light blue.