Cinderella and prince coloring page

A young, mistreated girl is helped by her fairy godmother and meets a prince at a ball. Through a glass slipper, they find love and live happily ever after.
This coloring page features a beautiful rendition of the classic Cinderella fairy tale. We can see Cinderella in her iconic dress with its magical transformations, as well as a magical carriage driving away in the background. To bring this image to life, you can use a range of different colors to create a vibrant and lively interpretation. For Cinderella's dress, you can use a combination of pinks, blues, and purples. The fairy godmother's dress can be made of a more vibrant combination of blues and greens. The sky can be colored with soft pastels such as yellows, oranges, and pinks to create a dreamlike atmosphere. For the trees and bushes, use greens of various shades to give the image depth. As for the carriage, you can use gold to create a regal look for the prince, or use a silver/gray for a more magical feel. Finally, you can use a variety of orange, red, and yellow shades to bring to life the magical fire from Cinderella's wand.